Travis Scott is a recording artist from Houston, Texas. This album is hip hop in production but filled with psuedo-singing in a different way than Wayne and Drake's early pioneering style of doing it. Although Travis Scott's focus isn't impressively singing, listeners should compare the vocals to a band. He's creating the hip hop equivalent of that. His music isn't revolutionary, but the focus is him. He's created a cultural significance similar to Kanye just off of his presentation with a lot less money. Also, deep masculine auto-tune vocals was never done by anyone else. It's gets old, but it's original; patented even.
Defining TrackStop Trying To Be God is the single. It's a good song, but the target audience is unclear. His music is filled with standard urban vices that are much worse than being sacrilegious, but I guess you have to draw the line somewhere. It's memorable which is very hard to do in the digital age.
Final Thoughts
Travis Scott is part of a dying breed. I just can't bring myself to dissect someone carrying so much cultural weight for the Indie Rap community. His relationship with Kylie, his daughter; somebody is enjoying his music very much and I prefer it to many indie albums of other genres.
Rap Independent
Travis Scott - Astroworld